Single Cell Sequencing

SASC User Group to Convene September 27

September 04, 2024 | by BBI Communications

Fostering belonging and unity among Puget Sound area researchers working in single cell genomics

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Seattle Area Single Cell User Group: Building Momentum and Community

April 29, 2024 | by Mary O’Neill, Ph.D.

The Seattle Area Single Cell user group, otherwise known as SASC, held its first meeting on February13. If the results of that meeting were any indication of the group’s future, I am quite optimistic.

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Seattle Area Single Cell User Group to Launch February 13

January 31, 2024 | by BBI Communications

'We hope SASC will help foster community among researchers facing similar dilemmas and propel our collective research efforts forward.' Dr. Mary O’Neill, BBI’s director of Single Cell Genomics

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BBI Co-Leads Creation of New Molecular Atlas for Scientists Studying Sleep, Mood, and Other Brain Disorders

March 01, 2023 | by BBI Communications

The paper’s authors “generated a 4.2 million cell (combined) transcriptomic and epigenomic atlas across the brain of the rhesus macaque, the most widely used nonhuman primate model organism for studies of human perception, cognition, aging, and neurological disease.

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