
BBI Large Scale DNA Sequencing Center

The BBI’s Northwest Clinical Genomics Center is the largest self-sustaining genome center in the Pacific Northwest.



The Large-Scale DNA Sequencing Platform is overseen by Dr. Debbie Nickerson, PhD, Professor of Genome Sciences and Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington.

The BBI’s Northwest Clinical Genomics Center is the largest self-sustaining genome center in the Pacific Northwest. It produced over 21,000 genomes in 2018 as part of NIH-NHLBI’s TOPMed project, and has previously produced over 15,000 genomes and 24,000 exomes as part of the NIH-NHLBI’s TOPMed and ESP projects. It is also the home of one of the NIH-NHGRI’s Centers for Mendelian Genomics. The platform has expertise in genome and exome sequencing, and additional capabilities in RNA-seq, genome-wide methylation profiling, and other ‘omics’. In collaboration with the BBI Precision Diagnostics Platform, it is now offering CLIA-certified exome and genome sequencing.

Explore the services of the Northwest Genomics Center >

Platform Contact

3720 15th Ave NE, S020

Seattle, WA 98195
